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Technology Tools for Differentiation

Page history last edited by Kindy Segovia 14 years, 7 months ago

Technology Tools for Differentiation:


Low Tech Tools:  Sources and Resources

Handout: targeted resources and the BIG THREE



http://42explore.com/ --definitions, activities, the 4 good starting points, and many more links and resources for a thematic topic – scaled “easier” and “harder”, expanded search opportunities, and teacher links 
http://www.emints.org/ethemes/  -- eThemes is an extensive database of content-rich, age-appropriate resources organized around specific themes.  Choose content by grade level.
http://www.tekmom.com/search/ --Search Tools for Students 
http://www.interesting.com/  - search by interest area
http://navify.com/black - search site that finds audio, video, and other file types on thousands of subjects.
http://www.google.com/Top/ -- Google Directories, a “directory” search engine, edited by real people, organized into topic areas
http://www.google.com/ - advanced search
www.diigo.com - web highlighting
http://delicious.com/  - collaborative bookmarking

Comprehension/Reading Levels:

http://bensguide.gpo.gov/ --guide to US government by grade level
http://www.windows.ucar.edu/ --Space and beyond
http://juicystudio.com/services/readability.php --Just input URL and readability will be calculated
http://www.usingenglish.com/resources/text-statistics.php --Cut and past text into this site for stats
http://www.wikipedia.org/ - simple english in Wikipedia


http://www.wordsmyth.net – look up words on any webpage, create vocabulary quizzes, make a glossery, create a crossword puzzle, etc.
http://www.m-w.com/downloads/index.htm -- dictionary, word games, word of the day, google gadgets
http://www.visuwords.com/ - a very visual thesaurus tool
http://www.visualthesaurus.com – a very visual thesaurus tool ($3 per month)
http://www.google.com – type define:word in the search window to get a definition
http://www.ghotit.com/home.shtml - online spell check for poor spellers


Alternate Reading Access/Digital Text: 

MCBD08317_0000[1]www.premierathome.com  -- Kent area schools and families have free access to this text reading software 
http://www.naturalreaders.com – free text to speech tool

www.wordtalk.org.uk/index.html - free text to speech plug in with built in dict. and thesaurus

http://www.satogo.com/ -- website/screen reader

http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ -- free audio conversion software 
clickspeak.clcworld.net - talking toolbar for firefox

Graphic/Visual Organizers:

http://www.bubbl.us/index -- free online mapping tool
http://www.mindomo.com/ -- free online mapping tool
http://www.gliffy.com/ -- free online mapping tool
http://cmap.ihmc.us/download/ --very good free download

Powerpoint/Slide Show/Video/Comic:

http://voicethread.com/#home - Voicethread

http://www.slideshare.net/ - Slideshare

http://www.gcast.com/ - Gcast podcasting site

http://www.ning.com/ - Ning social/educational network

http://animoto.com/ - animation and video creation 

http://www.comicstripcreator.org/ - comic creator

http://icant.co.uk/easy-youtube/  - This is a simpler window for viewing YouTube videos, a more accessible version with simple play and stop buttons. 

http://www.pppst.com/  - Powerpoints for younger students - on everything

Re-learning/Independent Learning:

http://classtools.net/ - games to reinforce learning

http://quizlet.com/ - flashcards and quizzes

http://www.spellingcity.com/  - customized online spelling

http://www.wested.org/cs/tdl/view/tdl_tip/19 - tips for advanced Microsoft Word features


Note Taking/Organization:

http://www.thelabnotebook.com/ - online notetaking

http://www.evernote.com/ - remember everything! 



http://www.skype.com/ - online video conferencing

http://www.ning.com/ - social or educational network

http://pbworks.com/ - wiki

http://edublogs.org/ - blog

http://www.photovisi.com/ - digital collage


Content-Specific Links:

http://www.chalkbored.com/lessons/chemistry-11.htm - resources for high school chemistry, in a variety of formats, created by a high school chemistry teacher.
www.graphcalc.com/index.shtml - free download for graphing calculator
http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html - online virtual manipulatives
http://www.hippocampus.org/ - high quality multimedia content for high school
http://periodic.lanl.gov/default.htm - online periodic table
http://tarheelreader.org/ - digital books for beginning readers of all ages

Sample Wikis and Blogs:

http://computerkiddoswiki.pbworks.com/ - technology teacher wiki - collaborative with building staff/students
http://tektimes.pbworks.com/FrontPage - featured student project posted with a wiki 
http://hpjh.blogspot.com/ - blog for 'virtual authors'
http://apcalc2008.blogspot.com/ - AP Calc class blog
http://www.protopage.com/hardins - tech integration protopage
http://www.protopage.com/gunderwood - tech integration protopage
Teacher Resources:
http://udltechtoolkit.wikispaces.com/ - resources for all above areas
http://www.edtechtalk.com/ - podscasts related to technology in education
http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com - blog from teacher and techie Vicki Davis

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